Holy Family Retreat Center
Holy Family was built to replace the original Novices Dorm, which was the first retreat house became the team house for large retreats at Emmaus Retreat center. With groups with as many as 75-85 participants, and the noviciate dorm was becoming a health hazard. Emmaus was not enough 56 beds, the possibilities of adding to Emmaus or to build a separate building was very quickly in the plans. In 2013, a new 32 bed retreat center was dedicated to the Holy Family. This building is more commonly known as the team house, but it can host a small group retreat or reunion. It has a small snack room with microwave, coffee, refrigerator and cabinet space. It also has a large gathering or meeting room with a small adoration chapel.
Holy Family Retreat Center Staff
Please call or email for information: Terry Suttles – office: (210) 798-8220 x33 cell: (210) 840-1175 email: retreatctr@cordi-marian.org